[CPSU News] Suzhou cableplus Technologies Co Ltd (CPSU) invites you to visit our booth with pleasure and hope you will be visiting the show: &nbs...
Removal Notice of CPJP
2013-03-13[CPJP News] 株式会社 ケーブルプラス ジャパン (CPJP) 新住所: 神奈川県川崎市高津区久本3丁目5番7号 新溝の口ビル5階 〒: 213-0011 電話番号: (81) 044-850-8666 FAX番号: (81) 044-850-8667 Email...
Groundbreaking Ceremony of Factory of CPTC
2013-03-06[CPTC News] Suzhou CPLUS New Material Co Ltd (CPTC) held a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the start of construction on a 3,000m2 factory on 6 Mar 2013. The building is expected to be co...
2012 Annual Excellent Supplier Award
2013-01-17[CPSU News] Suzhou cableplus Technologies Co., Ltd. (CPSU) has been awarded 2012 Annual Excellent Supplier Award by Hager Group-China.
2012年中国国際Industrial Fair
2012-11-11[CPHK News] 2012年中国国際Industrial Fairはすでに手抜かりがなく終わりました。皆様がお忙しいところに出席して、いろいろ指導を頂いて、誠に有難うございました。次回の活動で又会えるように楽しみにしております。
[CPSU News] Suzhou cableplus Technologies Co., Ltd. (CPSU) has been awarded 2011 Best Comprehensive Performance Supplier Award by Amphenol.
Outstanding Supplier Awarded by PANASONIC
2011-12-28[CPSU News] Suzhou cableplus Technologies Co., Ltd. (CPSU) has been awarded the Outstanding Supplier by PANASONIC ELECTRIC WORKS SUNX SUZHOU CO., LTD.
Jiangsu Enterprise Technical Centre
2011-11-01[CPSU News] CPSU is granted as Jiangsu Enterprise Technical Centre by Jiangsu Government.
SONY Green Partner
2011-04-01[CPSU News] CPSU has successfully established an environmental management system that has met the requirements of the Sony Green Partner Program.
Outstanding Patent Award of Changshu
2010-12-31[CPSU News] Floating Cable of CPSU is awarded the Outstanding Patent Award of Changshu.